CD with Azure DevOps
Continuous Deployment is vital in modern software development. Designing an effective deployment strategy that aligns with project goals ensures seamless integration into the development process, driving project success.
This course focuses on designing an effective Continuous Deployment (CD) strategy aligned with project goals to enable seamless software delivery. You will learn to integrate build and deployment processes into a cohesive Dev-Test-Prod pipeline for consistency and efficiency throughout the software lifecycle.
The course emphasizes the effective use of Azure DevOps Pipelines to implement CI/CD processes. Attention will be given to designing maintainable, reusable, and extendable pipeline code. This includes modularizing tasks, jobs and stages following coding best practices, and leveraging templates to reduce redundancy.
This is a hands-on training where real project experience is transferred to participants through troubleshooting and building during the sessions.
By the end of the course, you will have the skills to design and implement a sustainable Continuous Deployment strategy that supports efficient delivery as your project scales.
Building Continuous Deployment (CD) and Continuous Integration (CI) without a clear vision and strategy often leads to cumbersome, inflexible, and hard-to-change code. In such cases, the tool ends up dictating the process, which can hinder efficiency and adaptability.
Applying the same mindset of code quality to pipelines as you would for application code is crucial. Without this, pipeline code becomes resistant to change, difficult to maintain, and lacks reusability and extensibility, resulting in low flexibility and high costs of change. A strategic approach to designing CI/CD ensures your deployment processes are sustainable, adaptable, and efficient.
Learning Objectives
- Develop a Strategic Vision for CI/CD
- Build and Integrate CI/CD Pipelines Using Azure DevOps
- Pipeline Code Quality: Maintainable, Readable, Extenssible, Reusable
- Troubleshoot and Optimize Deployment Pipelines
Target Audience
- Internship programs for DevOps engineers and Software Developers
- Software Developers and DevOps engineers
Standard Format Outline
➟ onsite: two full days
➟ online: four days with 4-hour sessions each
Custom formats are also available, offering extended durations to address specific participant needs, provide additional guided practice, or begin building Docker files and the Kubernetes cluster for a project brought in by the participants.
A commonly recommended customization is to combine it with the 'Docker and Kubernetes' course into an integrated training program which would target Continous Deployment to a Kubernetes Cluster.
Azure DevOps Services Features:
- Boards and Code Traceability
- Git Repos - branching models
- Pull Requests
- Azure Pipelines
- Azure Artifacts
- Azure CLI
Continous Deployment
- CD Strategies
- CD with Azure DevOps Pipelines
Stages, Jobs, Tasks
Code Reuse with Templatess
Variables, Expressions, Conditions, Parameters, Artifacts - Environment Configurations
- Secrets Management with Azure Pipelines
Continous Integrations
- CI Strategies
- CI with Azure DevOps Pipelines
- Pull-Requests Policies
Advanced CD and CI
- Versions Management
- Environment Pipelines
- Customer Specific Pipelines
We have trained hundreds of developers, helping them build the skills to design code that minimizes the cost of change. We have also designed and led the execution of numerous software systems, ensuring they meet their commitments.
Here is what some of our clients have to say about their experience of working with us.