This is the last post from the series on how we could implement a design that allows to decide only at deploy time how two services communicate: in process if they are
This post continues the previous by giving an example on how we could implement a design that allows to decide only at deploy time how services communicate: in process if they are
After a long vacation in October last year, followed by some intensive work at MIRA and InfiniSwiss, now I can make some time to share some more design ideas that I have
AppBoot is a generic .NET application bootstrapper, we at iQuarc, have put on GitHub a while ago.
It started few years back when we were about to begin developing a large enterprise
The Crosscutting Concerns are the areas in which high-impact mistakes are most often made when designing an application. There are common causes that lead to this and there are common practices that
While reviewing my previous post another great discussion, which may arise from paying attention to your references, came to my mind: Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) vs Coupling. Each time you add
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